Can Your Carrot and Celery Sticks Keep You Thin and Healthy? It Seems So

The notion that plant-based diets are optimal for health and prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) goes back at least to the 1950's. Yet, "food wars" still exist with some denying the power of plant diets. More data is needed and an emphasis on raw vegetable consumption is of interest. A new study sheds light on this topic. 


The researchers searched for randomized controlled trials on the effects of a plant-based diet on weight loss compared with a non-plant-based diet with an emphasis on raw plant intake. 


Individuals on the plant-based diet lost more weight than the non-plant-based diet group.

Increased consumption of raw vegetables was significantly associated with lower BMI, lower risk of obesity, lower risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction (heart attack), and a higher HDL-cholesterol. 


The present findings suggest that raw vegetable intake is beneficial for weight loss and prevention of CVD like heart attacks. The same diet that was optimal for the heart was also found to favor lower body weights measured as BMI. This study provides more support for choosing whole foods focused on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Vegetables contributed to the health outcomes and should be prepared sometimes cooked and sometimes raw. 

Studies like these are simply absent for the "competitive" diets featuring Paleo, ketogenic, and carnivore choices. Plant-based diets win again, over and over. 

Dr. Joel Kahn

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