Sauna Bathing for Happiness and Better Sleep

The basics of cardiovascular health (CVH) remain a whole food, plant-based diet, fitness, avoidance of smoking, and adequate sleep. Beyond these pillars, sauna bathing has a suprising large amount of research to support its role for CVH. I have had a full spectrum infrared sauna (Sunlighten Saunas) in my home for several decades and strongly feel it contributes to feelings of health and happiness.

A new research study supports the observation that a sauna is a place for health, happiness and better sleep.



The aim of the study was to describe and compare sauna bathers with non-sauna bathers in northern Sweden based on their demographics, health and life attitudes, and to describe sauna bathers’ sauna habits.

Questions on sauna bathing habits were included in the questionnaire for the participants in the Northern Sweden MONICA (multinational monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) study, conducted during spring of 2022, inviting adults 25–74 years living in the two northernmost counties of Sweden (Norr- and Västerbotten), randomly selected from the population register. Of the 1180 participants in MONICA 2022, 971 (82%) answered the question about sauna bathing. Of these, 641 (66%) were defined as sauna bathers.

Sauna bathers reported less hypertension diagnosis and self-reported pain. They also reported higher levels of happiness and energy, more satisfying sleep patterns, as well as better general and mental health.

Sauna bathers were younger, more often men and found to have a healthier life-profile compared to non-sauna bathers. Additionally, the results suggest that the positive effects associated with sauna bathing plateaued from 1–4 times per month.


Saunas appear to have positive effects on both physical and . This is the result of a new study based on questionnaire responses and health surveys from participants in Norrbotten and Västerbotten. The research is published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health.

Sauna has beneficial effects on the inner lining of arteries called the endothelium, may remove toxins in sweat, and lowers blood pressures. Some find it to be an adjuct to weight loss.  Overall, access to sauna, infrared or of other design, is a recommended add on to a healthy lifestyle foundation.

Dr. Joel Kahn

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