What are Chronic Diseases and can #MAHA Help?

For the first time in my memory, public policy out of Washington, DC is focusing on the root causes of poor health, health expenses and longevity. It appears that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr will lead this important effort under the head ing of MAHA or Make America Healthy Again (#MAHA).

What does Robert F. Kennedy, Jr say about chronic diseases on his website?

“An epidemic of chronic disease is engulfing our nation. Obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, autism, cancer, and mental illness is at record levels, especially among young people. These diseases cause untold misery and drain the vitality from our nation’s economy. Chronic disease costs the economy over $4 trillion a year, and dwarfs even defense as the big drain on the federal budget.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. knows how to turn it around, and he will bring that knowledge into the Trump administration. With President Trump’s backing, he will reorient federal health agencies toward chronic disease and rid them of Big Pharma’s influence. He will ban the hundreds of food additives and chemicals that other countries have already prohibited. He will change regulations, research topics, and subsidies to reduce the dominance of ultra-processed food. He will clean up toxic chemicals from our air, water, and soil. He will ensure that research into pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, additives, and environmental chemicals is scientifically unbiased.

Just two generations ago, America was the healthiest country in the world. It can be that way again. We can Make America Healthy Again.”


A popular meme that is circulating on the Internet indicates that on January 20, 2025 there may be executive orders to abolish all vaccine mandates, repealing of the 1986 vaccine immunity law, bans on fluoride in the water system, reorganization of the FDA, FTC and CDC, banning toxic ingredients in food, recognition of vaccine injury and death, banning GMO foods and toxic pesticides, and allowing natural remedies to flourish.


What can we think about all of this? There is no doubt that American health is suffering. Some statistics that might shock you include that 74% of Americans are dealing with overweight and obesity, 40% of children are dealing with the same, 52% of American adults suffer from prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes, 30% of teens have prediabetes, 1 in 36 children have autism, 34% of young adults have mental or behavioral disorders, early onset cancers have increased by 79%, 1 in 2 Americans are predicted to get cancer, autoimmune disease are rapidly rising, 18% of teens have fatty liver disease, 20-25% of women are on anti-depressant medications, early onset dementia has tripled since 2013, American girls are starting puberty years earlier, infertility is rising rapidly, the highest infant mortality rate for a high income country, life expectancy on a decline, and, finally, 77% of young Americans are not able to qualify for military service. Is that enough?


It is clear that status quo is not acceptable in the American health system.

In my opinion, while the RFKJr agenda is hopeful, it is missing components of early disease detection including access to free or low cost coronary artery calcium CT scoring at age 45 to detect heart disease decades before clinical tragedies strike, and, perhaps, access to full body non-contrast MRI and “blood biopsy” lab testing that both can detect cancer at an early stage.

Finally, massive re-education of medical students, residents, fellows, and practicing doctors, dentists, dieticians, and the food industry on the critical importance of whole food diets, largely or exclusively plant based, at as an early age as possible, coupled with fitness, sleep advice, and stress management skills, for prevention of chronic diseases at their root causes.

Go MAHA, an important movement forward for health.

Dr. Joel Kahn

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